You are Paying Too Much. Uncover Hidden Fees with MagniFee.
You Have No Idea What You are Paying for Investment Fees. It is Time to Change That.

The advisor fees you pay are just the tip of the iceberg! We bring transparency to the world of investments by offering a comprehensive overview of all the investment fees you pay for stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, or outside money managers. Using Plaid, we securely link your investment accounts, and then MagniFee works its magic, uncovering hidden fees.

Know What You're Paying For
Before purchasing a product or service, you typically know its actual cost. How can you make an informed decision about the value of something if you don’t know the cost? You wouldn’t buy a car, a house, or a dishwasher without knowing the cost, yet you’re doing just that with your investments.

Leveling the Playing Field
Our mission is to level the playing field of Wall Street by providing you with a clear, accessible, and easy-to-understand breakdown of all the costs associated with your investment portfolio services. With us, you can rest assured that you are, for the first time, armed with the information you need to make informed decisions about your investment portfolio.

Why You Can Trust MagniFee
MagniFee was founded by David Meyer, a seasoned securities attorney with 25 years of experience protecting the rights of individual investors. David's firsthand experience revealed a troubling reality: investors are unaware of the total fees they pay and the cumulative impact those fees have on their investment returns. This inspired the creation of MagniFee.